Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Create a sentence for each of the following words: there, their, they're, there's, theirs. Be careful - remember the five rules for writing a complete sentence.


Kylie said...

Go over there please.
That is their new kitten.
There're my cousins.
There's the new puppy they got.
That is theirs not ours.

CARSON said...

Go over there.

That is their shotgun.

They're going fishing.

There's a big buck.

That is theirs.

jesse said...

There is something over there.
that is their bike.
They're riding there bikes.
There's somebody over there.
that is theirs.

Kaiden said...

My shoes are over there.
Thats their toy.
It is theirs.
There's my car.
They're over there.

abby said...

Lets go over there.

Lets go to their house.

They're ten sea shells on the beach.

There's a lot of fun stuff her.

I can't beileve thats theirs.

Mark said...

My book is over there.
That car is their's
They're nice.
Their dog is mean.
There's my dog.

blayne said...

That is their book.
Lets go over there.
They're playing basketball.
There's my house.
That camper is theirs.

southern said...

There is that bunny.

Their is the dog.

They're at school.

There's a cat.

Theirs the new car.

jill said...

There is a cat.

Their dogs are in the yard again.

There're my best friends.

There's the treeforest.

That is theirs put it down.

Jodi said...

The dog is over there.

Is that their bike?

They're going to worlds of fun.

There's a cat.

I think that's theirs.

Drew said...

Their car is purple.

Look over there.

There's my dog.

They're going to the market.

That car is theirs.

abby said...

Please go over there to get my papers.

I love their new living room.

They're a lot of toys her.

There's the new school.

That is ours not theirs.