Monday, September 26, 2011

Layers of Soil

List the 3 layers of soil and describe each layer.


CARSON said...

Topsoil plant crops in this layer.

Subsoil roots lock in in this layer.

parent matials makes the top soil.

Mark said...

topsoil-where seeds are planted.

subsoil-where roots are locked.

bedrock/parent material-where new materials for topsoil are stored.

southern said...

topsoil- it is were the seed is.

subsoil- it's were the roots grow.

parent material or bedrock-it holds the materials to make the new soil.

Kaiden said...

topsoil it takes 500 years for 1 inch
subsoil topsoils roots into it
bedrock is a hard soil and is the last layer of soel

abby said...

Top layer of soil is called top soil and it takes 500 years to replace 1 inch of top soil.

Sub soil roots lock into this layer.

Parent material it can be called bed rock it is made uo of rocky material.

Kylie said...

Topsoil-Most nutritious layer but yet the hardest to replace. It takes 500 years to make 1".

Subsoil-Deep roots lock in here in this layer.

Parent Material/Bedrock-This is the deepest layer it also has all the nutritious stuff to make other soil and it is very rocky.

blayne said...

topsoil-easy to find in low spots,first layer of soil

subsoil-roots lock into this layer,second layer

parent material/bedrock-rocky material,has the material to make the other soils

AndrewB. said...

Top soil-It is the most nutricious
spot and the hardest to replace.

Subsoil-The deep roots lock into this layer.

Parent Material-It is the deepest layer of soil and is found realy rocky.This layer has all the ingriedients to replace any of the
layers of soil and is also called Bedrock.

jesse said...

Top Soil- We would put the seeds for crops in it.
Subsoil- Plants lock in it.
bedrock is the same thing is parent materiel

Jodi said...

Topsoil- Where the seed is planted
and it takes 500years to make 1".

Subsoil-Where the deep roots lock in to.

bedrock/parentmaterial-It is the deepest layer and has the nutritios to make the other layers.

jill said...

Topsiol:plant are planted here

Subsoil:the plants roots grow here

Bedrock/Parent mateial:biggest layer has meterial to make other soils