Thursday, December 8, 2011

Branches of Government

List two rights the Constitution provides for all Americans.
List each branch of government and two of their duties.


Kylie said...

1. To declare war
2. To make peace.

Executive Branch:
1.President is in charge of Mlitary
2. Carries out laws

Legeslative Branch:
1. Makes the laws
2.Called Congress

Judicial Branch:
1. Decides if the laws agree with the constitution
2.Called Supreme Court

Drew said...

1. have an army
2. declare war

Legislative Branch
1. makes laws
2. made up of Senate and House of Representatives

Executive Branch
1. carries out laws
2. deals with other countries

Judicial Branch
1. decides if laws agree with Constitution
2. see that laws are carried out fairly

carson said...

1.Headed by the elected president
2.Elected officials

Legislative Branch
1.called congress
2.makes the laws

Executive Branch
2.leader of united states military

Judicail Branch
1.supreme court
2.justices serve for life

jesse said...

1. makes peace
2. help the issues
Legislative branch
1. it makes laws
2. made up of house of representatives
Executive branch
1. carries out the laws
2. president
Judicial branch
1. supreme court
2. justices serve for life

Erin said...

Costitution Executive Branch
1.protects our 1.carries out laws
freedom 2.the leader is
2.makes coins the president

Legislative Branch Judicial Branch
1.makes laws 1.Spreme Court
2.also called 2.makes sure the
congress laws are fair

Jodi said...

1.Treats all americans fairly
2.Protecs our freedom

Legislative Branch Executive Branch
1. Makes the laws 1. Carries out
the laws
2.Called congress 2. Deals with
other countries
Judicial Branch
1. See that laws are carried out fairly
2. Supreme Court

andrew said...

1.make peace
2.declar a war
Legislative Branch
1. called congress
2. makes the laws
Executive Branch
1. President
2. carries out the laws
Judicial Branch
1. supreme court
2.Justices serve for life

Kaiden Dowell said...

1. Made up of the supreme court.

2. The supreme court has the duty
of making sure the laws are carried out fairly.

Legislative: 1. It is also called congress.
2. It makes the laws.


1. Carries ot the laws thet congress makes.

2.The president is the leader of the military

The two rights.

Make sure all american's are treated fairly.

They can make the war peace.

Southern said...

1. treat all Americans fairly
2. Everyone must follow the laws
Legislative branch
1. other name is congress
2. makes the laws
Executive branch
1. carries out the laws
2. deals with other countries
Judicial branch
1. justices serve for life
2. Supreme Court

Ashley said...

1. declare war
2. have an army
Legislative Brach
1. makes the laws
2. called congress
Executive Brach
1. carries out the laws
2. leader of the United stats military
Judicial Brach
1. judges chosen by president-approved by congress
2. supreme court

Jill said...

1.treat all americans fairly
2.protects our freedom

Legislative Branch
1.called congress
2.makes the laws

Executive Branch
2.carries out laws

Judicial Branch
1.supreme court
2.sees that laws are carried out fairly

Abby said...

Constitution Executive Branch
1.Makes peace 1.President
2.makes paper money 2.Caries out

Legislative Branch Judicial Branch
1.Makes the laws 1.Supreme Court
2.Called Congress 2.Justices
serve for

blayne said...

1.makes peace
2.allows us to make an army
Legeslative Branch
1.makes the laws
Executive Branch
1.carries out the laws
Judicial Branch
1.supreme court
2.carries out laws fairly

Clayton said...

1.makes peace
2.makes paper money

Executive Branch
1.carry out laws with other countries

Legistative Branch
1.makes the laws
2.called congress

Judicial Branch
1.decide if laws agree with the constitution
2.supreme court

Cable said...

1.Make paper money.
2.Makes peace.
Executive Branch
1.The boss is the President.
2.They carries out the laws.

Legislative Branch
1.It is also called congress.
2.makes the laws.

Judicial Branch
1. see that laws are carried out
2.They have 9 justces